Sacred Luminosity 2: Featured Art
Featured Art by Tara Boirard
The Color of Shakti
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 24"
Shakti as Energy. Shakti is energy, movement and awakening. These ideas are all reflected in 'The Color of Shakti"
The Prayer
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 36" x 12" x 1.5"
Shakti as Strength. In "the Prayer" a woman sleeps as evil/darkness hovers (the bird). She finds strength and protection through prayer and her spirituality.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 20" x 20" (23" x 23" with frame)
Shakti as Strength. In "Outlive" you can make out the image of a cancer survivor. Few things demonstrate the strength of the human experience such has living through illness.
In Bloom
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 20" x 20" (23" x 23" with frame)
Shakti as Energy. There are many parallels between the Lotus flower and Shakti - both representations of vital energy. In "Bloom" a woman is emerging and transforming from the Lotus Flower.
The Mask
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 36"
Shakti as Strength. In this piece, it is unclear if she is putting the mask on or taking it off. In her prints, Anshula is encouraging everyone to be true to themselves and to take the mask off. I beleive that as well However this piece walks a finer line. Sometimes you have to put the mask on just to make it through the day.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 24"
Shakti as Change. I have always thought that the beauty of a flower is in the shortness of its life. The fleeting nature of its beauty is what draws you to them. Like flowers, we are here and we are this beautiful thing for but a moment before we end and are transformed into some greater unknown.
The Kite - Finding Joy
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 24"
Shakti as Strength. This child is playing with a kite in an old and abandoned Industrial area in Queens. She shouldn’t be playing there but she is finding her joy in a hopeless place.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 36"
Shakti as Strength. In this piece, the woman is rising above adversity and maybe even the confines of the human body. Her spirit is elevating. She is also loosely in the position of Jesus during the crucifixion in the Christian Faith. Here, we are looking at woman as martyr.
Because She Lived
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 36" x 36"
Shakti as Strength. This painting depicts 18th century slave ships from Africa. Historians estimate that 15% of African slaves died during the Middle Passage. The flecks of light represent those that passed as their spirits ascend. "Because She Lived" is tribute to the person that you don't see in the painting - the woman in the hull of the ship that survived the most horrific experience in human history and became the grandmother to African Americans, Afro-Haitians, Afro-Cubans, Afro-Dominicans and so many of us in the New World.
Where the Lotus Flower Grows
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 20" x 20" (23" x 23" with frame)
Shakti As Strength. Lotus Flowers grown in mud, or shallow and murky waters. Like the lotus flower, Shakti emerges in even the darkest and dirtiest of places.
Featured Art by Anshula Tayal
Shakti: The Creator, Preserver and Destroyer
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
In almost every ancient culture, there was a Goddess who was worshipped as the supreme creator. Shakti is one of them; she is the most important Goddess in the Hindu Pantheon, having the divine powers to create, preserve and destroy. She rides a lion, bears a trident as a weapon and is as pure and soft as a lotus.
Shakti: The Power
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 6"
You can call her by any name but for me every woman is Shakti ‘The Power’. You can identify her by any face but this is my portraiture for Shakti.
Mother to Daughter
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Mother is the first teacher to a child. Empower your daughters which would lead to a stronger woman, and eventually an empowered and strong generation of women.
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
The female energy as Janani: ‘The Creator’, she carries the world within and embodies the bounty of the earth.
Inner Peace
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 9" x 9"
Recharging your Shakti: Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow anyone or any event to control your emotions and let their behavior destroy your peace, so relax your body, quiet your mind and open your heart.
Vulnerability is Strength
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Let the tears fall until there aren’t any left. Let your heart break into a thousand pieces, for in this letting go you are rebuilding yourself. In each ending there is a new beginning.
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing, its having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.” - By Berne Brown.
Kintsukuroi: To Repair in Gold
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
In Japan, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the objects history, which adds to its beauty. So pick up the pieces of your broken heart, reassemble and fix it with Gold yourself.
Kali: The Woman Warrior
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
When the need arises she takes up the fierce form of Kali to remove all negative entities. The negative entities are the three physical, mental and spiritual challenges that everyone faces. Her weapon is the trident; she is the combination of power and softness.
Beautiful Heart
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
When you look in the mirror…a beautiful heart is what you should be seeing.
The most important thing a girl wears is her confidence, so embrace your own uniqueness.
I am Sensual
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Sensuality is enjoyment, enjoyment of experiences, people, intimacy and enjoyment of self.
This work is to fight against FGM, more than 200 million women living today in 30+ countries have undergone this procedure. This practice is rooted in gender inequality and to control woman’s sexuality.
Me First
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Inspired by renowned artist and feminist icon Frida Kahlo’s intimate and conflicted piece “Diego and I”. It is an image of a heartbroken and grief-stricken Kahlo with her lover on her mind.
I want to show that think about yourself first, love yourself first because that’s who you will be spending the rest of your life with.
Discard the Mask
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Don’t make ‘The Mask’ your face, that is decorated with a smile and a happy face.
“Let your story unravel, there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” -By Maya Angelou.
White Picket Fence
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Homemaker as the Preserver, this piece is dedicated to all the homemakers the ‘Goddesses of today’.
Medium: Intaglio Print
Dimensions: 9" x 9"
Inspired from the Hindu Mythology, this form of Ardhanarishvara is half man and half woman. For me this is a powerful image as it shows that it requires both man and woman with equal powers and energy to run the world.
Being There
When you care for someone, it is not all about being with them… it’s about ‘Being There’. It is not to fix anything or for advice, it is just to hold and listen, it is to make one feel that they supported and cared for.
Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other women who have her back. So be that support be their ‘Shakti’.
Beyond the Ceiling
Glass ceilings are meant for breaking and your wings already exist, so make the sky your limit.
I See Shakti
This piece is inspired by Pablo Picasso’s ‘Girl before a Mirror’. I want to shows that the way you view yourself is what you will start manifesting within you.
Change the person in the mirror and your world will change. …. By Rhonda Byrne